Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ann Romney vs. Hilary Rosen: Why The Scandal is Not so

Hilary Rosen vs. Ann Romney: why the dust-up is fake: First, it would be the Democrats believe that if a serious dispute that the government should require insurance plans to cover birth control, in fact, a dispute about birth control in general. If true, the final debate is set, and almost never be considered as a matter of public policy. Even Rick Santorum made it clear that, despite his personal opinion on this issue.

Now he claims that the Republicans of the great national struggle to the question that most women are largely agree on - the decision to work or stay home. Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen accidentally caused this storm is not so, when she commented on CNN on Wednesday evening that Ann Romney - including Mitt Romney takes his chief adviser on women's issues - are "never worked a day in his life." Full citation:

"What you have Mitt Romney running across the country, saying:" Well, you know, my wife tells me that women do not care to solve economic problems, and when I listen to my wife, that's what I heard. "Guess what? His wife actually never worked a day in his life. She never focused on the types of economic issues that most women in this country are faced with in terms of how we feed our children, how can we send them to school and why we worry about their future. "

Romney's campaign has cast himself, Ann Romney make his first tweet: ". I made the choice to stay home and raise five boys, Believe me, it was hard work."

So why is a fake fight? Because first of all, we do not think anyone out there (at least with children), I do not think that raising children is hard work - that Ms. Rosen said later. But more importantly, because the debate on women to stay home or go to work is not a lot of debate - the more, it is a choice that most women do not have any just do not. For women, they get to make that choice, it is normal - what they decide. But for most, refusing to pay simply not an option today.

As is evident from the context that Rosen did not criticize Ann Romney to stay home. She was criticized Romney's campaign for the presentation of Ann Romney as an expert on the economic problems of women, when Romney's own economic circumstances (including the fact that she could stay home with her son five) just is not what most women.

It was a political mistake to criticize Romney's wife, Rosen, regardless of context? Of course. Ann Romney is a good man, a popular presence in the campaign, and a very sympathetic figure. Key advisers Barack Obama wasted no time in condemning the remarks Rosen as "inappropriate," said family members should be "closed."

But does this mean that the debate in the public sphere between Democrats and Republicans over whether women should work or stay home? The number and outrage that these false Fights to divert attention from the serious discussions on issues that really affect women.

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